Thursday, April 9, 2009

Workday #2 and Lasagna Beds!

On Saturday, April 4 SEED Permaculture held a second workday. We continued building up beds and transplanted seedlings.

The method of bed-building we are doing at SEED is called "Lasagna Gardening." It's a no-till method that builds on top of mediocre soil, instead of attempting to move and improve the soil.

So how do you make lasagna beds? Easy!
1. Lay down some wet cardboard or three layers of newspaper on top of the soil.
2. Pile on compost, soil, shredded leaves, veggie scraps. Some gardeners recommend alternating between fresh "green" and older "brown" compost layers, but we just piled on some rich soil mixed with still decomposing compost.

(A lasagna bed)

Some bonuses of making lasagna beds:
  • Newspaper, cardboard and mulch all suppress weeds.
  • Better water retention.
  • Less need for commercial fertilizer because the soil is already compost rich.
  • The soil is soft and easy to work!
Food Not Lawns!

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